Morre cachorrinho famoso no TikTok

Morre um cachorrinho muito famoso no TikTok, nomeado como Tio Sam, da raça Schnauzer miniatura, que conquistou a internet com suas visitas frequentes à casa de sua “sobrinha”, gerando comoção aos fãs e internautas que admiravam e acompanhavam a história do animal.

Confira o vídeo publicado em homenagem à vida de Tio Sam, o cachorrinho que conquistou a internet:


Dear Friends, It is with a heavy heart that I share the news of Uncle Stan’s passing. I have dreaded this day, and finding the right words has been incredibly difficult. The truth is, there are no perfect words to express the depth of this loss. Over the past year, I have been so grateful to share Stan’s journey with all of you. The overwhelming love and kindness you’ve shown towards Stan and our family have meant the world to us. Stan lived a beautiful, free life, full of joy, family, and adventure. I find comfort to know he is no longer in pain. I like to imagine him still chasing birds in heaven— (minus the tuna can breath. If you know, you know LOL) Creating and sharing videos of Stan brought so much light to a dark time in my life, and I could not be more grateful for the joy he brought to all of us and for the connections I’ve made because of that. Stan was more than just a pet; he was a son, a little brother to me and my siblings, and a beloved uncle to all of our children. His absence leaves a deep void in our lives. I know many of you will share in this grief. I had so much more I wanted to share with you about Stan and our family.  Though I knew he was slowing down, I wasn’t prepared to say goodbye so soon. But I suppose I would never have been ready. In time, I believe we will find peace, and we have countless memories to look back on and cherish. Thank you for being a part of Stan’s life and for all the love you’ve shown. He was truly a special member of our family, and his spirit will live on in our hearts. With love and gratitude, Lexie

♬ When She Loved Me (Toy Story 2) – Piano Man Tom

Leia também: Animal mais velho do mundo tinha 507 anos – e foi morto por cientistas

Qual a raça de cachorro vive mais tempo?

A seguir, confira as 10 raças de cachorro que possuem maior expectativa de vida, veja a lista:

  1. Chihuahua: os cães da raça Chihuahua podem viver até 18 anos;
  2. Lhasa apso: os cãs da raça Lhasa apso podem viver até 18 anos;
  3. Beagle: os cãs da raça Beagle podem viver até 15 anos;
  4. Maltês: os cães da raça Maltês podem viver até 15 anos;
  5. Lulu da Pomerânia: os cães da raça Lulu da Pomerânia podem viver até 15 anos;
  6. Boston Terrier: os cães da raça Boston Terrier podem viver até 15 anos;
  7. Poodle: os cães da raça Poodle podem viver até 15 anos;
  8. Dachshund: os cães da raça Dachshund podem viver até 14 anos;
  9. Schnauzer miniatura: os cães da raça Schnauzer miniatura podem viver até 14 anos;
  10. Pug: os cães da raça Pug miniatura podem viver até 13 anos.
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