Casal volta de férias e se surpreende com alguém encolhido no canto do quintal

O casal Kassidy M. e seu parceiro havia voltado de férias após viagem, quando ao acordar no outro dia, encontraram um escolhido no canto do quintal da casa, um cachorrinho, que não era deles, sentando e esperando calmamente que alguém fosse ao seu encontro.

Kassidy e seu parceiro não tinham ideia de quanto tempo o cachorro estava no quintal deles, e nenhum dos vizinhos parecia saber também, sem informação nenhuma de onde ele veio, mas o que se sabia é a escolha do animal pelo casal e o quintal da casa.

Em entrevista ao The Dodo, Kassidy revelou o seguinte: “Não demorou muito para conquistá-lo. Somos pessoas de cachorro por completo e imediatamente demos a ele o máximo de amor possível, e ele aceitou tudo. Demos a ele camas e cobertores aconchegantes para cachorro, e ele simplesmente se jogou neles e descansou.”

A partir de agora, confira ao vídeo publicado pelo casal, na rede social TikTok, onde mostra o cãozinho, nomeado como Mr. Big Baby, abrigado no canto do quintal da casa deles, assista:


We got back from vacation last night, and this morning this sweet little dog was in our backyard. We are calling him Mr. Big (Baby). He was immediately friendly and let us touch and pet him, we saw scars covering his face and body leading us to believe he was possibly used as a bait dog for dog f*ghting. He has let my boyfriend pick him up, touch his paws, touch inside his mouth (more scarring inside his jowls 😔) walk him on the leash, give him a bath AND ride in the car without issue. I made posts for lost and found pets with no leads, and I contacted local pet rescues who turned me away as they are operating at capacity. We scanned him at the vet and found no chip, and the vet said some of his scars are from burns and none of which have ever been treated by a vet. His temperment is amazing so far, but we cannot predict how he would act around other animals or children. We left him shut in a room alone for 2 hours with a doggy cam and he did nothing except sleep. This poor dog cannot even bark or whine. He has been silent the entire time weve had him, makes you sick to wonder what these people did to him to make him too afraid to even make a sound. Every minute he is more comfortable, playing, and finally eating and drinking for us. Our animal shelter will eithanize in 72 hours if we take him there, and we are highly doubtful our humane society will help either. This is a beautiful sweet boy who needs someone to put in the effort to save him. He has potential to be the most incredible dog, we want to see him transformed by love. He is an intact male VERY small statured, I think he is pit mixed with some sort of bulldog, he is only around 30 pounds (underweight) and stands the same height as a jack russell. This is not a full sized normal pitbull. Not sure his exact age but he is not a puppy, maybe under 3yo. #Im hoping his small size will make someone more willing to give him a chance. We are looking for pitbull rescues or experienced fosters with dog abuse cases. This dog has stolen our hearts but we cannot keep him as we already have 3. I will travel anywhere in Ohio or reasonably beyond to connect with a pitbull rescue or foster. Please spread this post! We are trying to accomdate him as long as possible until we find a safe place for him but we cant for much longer. IF YOU KNOW ANY SERVICE THAT WE CAN CONTACT THAT HAS THE MEANS TO HELP THIS DOG PLEASE COMMENT!! #dogrescue #pitbullrescue #dogsoftiktok #animalrescue #fosterdog #tobelovedistobechanged #ohio

♬ Yellow – Coldplay

Leia também: Casal encontra família de “invasores” vivendo no seu barco

O que aconteceu após o casal acolher o cãozinho?

Após Kassidy e seu parceiro acolherem o cachorro que estava no quintal, eles o levaram para um médico veterinário analisarem a saúde dele, o qual prescreveu alguns antibióticos para o animal limpar todo seu organismo. A partir de todo o tratamento, o casal acabou ficando com o cãozinho, que recebeu de forma muito positiva todo o amor e carinho, apesar da timidez inicial.

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